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10 June 2020 - 22 September 2020
Call Digital Humanism

WWTF Digital Humanism Call 2020

Matchmaking Platform and Events to find Collaboration Partners

WWTF invites you to participate in this matchmaking event with pre-arranged (online) meetings within our new call for Digital Humanism to find partners for interdisciplinary proposals.

This Matchmaking Platform supports our activities in the Digital Humanism Call 2020 in two regards: Firstly, Digital Humanism has not yet become a research field of its own right. Researchers with various backgrounds need to find each other around the theme of Digital Humanism. This platform shall support researchers in finding partners and to discuss ideas, in particular because in this call, the interdisciplinary collaboration between social sciences & humanities (SSH) and computer sciences (and other related technical fields) (ICT) is mandatory. Secondly, the on-going COVID-19 pandemic does currently not allow for physical face-to-face meetings and events. Hence, WWTF will employ this platform to organize information / matching events online.  

We strongly encourage you to use this platform for finding partners and for networking. The process of submitting a proposal is, however, independent from this platform and has to be performed via WWTF's online submission system

For specifics about the call and the proposal submission process, see Menu "Call"

The main purpose of this platform is networking during the application phase. We are also thinking about continuing the platform further down the road to support the community building process for Digital Humanism. 

Why participate?

  • get the latest information about the funding call
  • build quality partnerships for participating in this call
  • facilitate the setup of project teams and collaborations
  • discuss and develop new project ideas 
  • acquire new contacts and initiate collaborations

The matchmaking event brings together people from this new interdisciplinary field. The model is time and cost efficient and results in targeted meetings, which will take place in a dedicated area and will be arranged in advance by means of this website.

What do I have to do?

The platform allows for making matches between potential collaboration partners based on their profile. Hence, please take care that your profile is up to date and accurate as possible. You can edit your profile during (and after) registration. We defined a not to high number of "Fields of Interest" as kind of clusters which you need to select. Based on that information, users can search for partners. Please be aware that the "Fields of Interest" cannot be too specific to allow for intersections between different people. In case that your "Field of Interest" is entirely missing (and cannot be subsumed under an already given field, please contact us). 

How can you benefit from this event?

  • Publish and showcase your project ideas and expertise to other participants on this platform.
  • Initiate and arrange pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event.
  • Enlarge your network and meet new contacts and potential collaboration partners easily.
  • Find a partner who is a good match to realize your project ideas.

Closed since 22 September 2020
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