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10 June 2020 - 22 September 2020
Call Digital Humanism

What is the role of the *arts* perspective mentioned in the call fiche?

For this call, researchers from both SSH (including art-based research) and ICT and related fields should collaborate across disciplines. This includes art-based research as a method. Arts projects are, however, not eligible for funding.

Does the city of Vienna play a special role for this call? Could you explain how you view its current and future role in relation to other “digitally and humanly advanced” cities?

The call is co-sponsored by the City of Vienna. Projects will be selected without the involvement of the City of Vienna and will be accomplished by our international expert jury.

Digital Humanism is intended as a broader movement. The WWTF call is one piece of a larger attempt to promote and further Digital Humanism. The City of Vienna is working on its own framework initiative and for this, WWTF is, among many other experts in Vienna, also involved. Further TU Wien is another driver of the topic with its own initiative. 

Digital Humanism is intended to be one aspect how the City of Vienna aims to brand itself with regards to digitalization. Other cities and regions have related initiatives, e.g. the Dutch “Digital Society” or initiatives in Berlin gravitating around the Einstein Foundation and the Weizenbaum Institute.

What is the Digital Humanism and what fields/topics does it include?

Please see https://www.wwtf.at/digital_humanism/ for details.

Because Digital Humanism is more a set of principles than a field, it includes a plethora of topics which we are unable to list here.

What is the difference between Digital Humanism and Digital Humanities?

Digital Humanities are ICT methods for SSH. Digital Humanism aims to bring insights from the SSH to the computer science to allow for a technological development that is based on human and societal values.

How does the team have to look like?

Researchers from both SSH (including art-based research) and ICT and related fields should collaborate across disciplines. Therefore, the teams should include researchers from both sides: social sciences/humanities/art-based research and technical disciplines in the field of IT, i.e. interdisciplinary collaboration is mandatory in this call. The competences must be reflected in the team/application. This can within an institution or between different institutions. For the short proposal you have the possibility to name up to three core team members, one being the PI (principal investigator) who has a coordinating role and is the main contact point to WWTF office. These core team members remain the same for the full proposal phase, but you can add further team members (with names or as N.N.) then and indicate this in the budget table. For further details please also refer to the Guide of Writing a Proposal (https://www.wwtf.at/programmes/information_communication/#ICT20).

How important is a technical-constructive part in the proposal rather than a mere analytical objective?

The aim of the call is to allow for answering fundamental societal questions related to digitalisation. To analyse the world as it is based on empirical work and evidence is crucial. This should serve as an input for conceptualizing alternatives to given digitalisation processes as we see it now and which are often problematic. However, this call aims re-thinking digitalisation in a long term, hence a new app or similar outputs are not in the focus of this call.

Can you elaborate on the „Regelung hinsichtlich der mit WWTF Mitteln finanzierten Personalkosten von Senior-Personal“?

Please refer to: https://www.wwtf.at/upload/Regelung_hinsichtlich_der_WWTF_Mitten_finanzierten_Gehaeltern_von_Seniorpersonal.pdf

In case of specific questions, please turn to WWTF office.

For any further questions please also consult https://www.wwtf.at/programmes/information_communication/#ICT20, the Call Fiche and the Guide for Writing a Proposal

Closed since 22 September 2020
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